Streetphotography of a sunset on Weissensee in September. The water reflects the sun and the mountains in the horizon. On the left side is a wooden cabin. Streetphotography of Praia do Sul in Ericeira, Portugal. In the top right corner some people a standing in the ocean. From the top left corner to the bottom right corner are diagonal lines of colourful sun covers. The foreground in the left bottom corner shows the edge of a cliff covered with vegetation. Streetphotography of the fishing harbour of Ericeira, Portugal. The bows of three fisher boats are lined up from the left. Streetphotography of a yellow excavator in the fishing harbour of Ericeira, Portugal. Streetphotography of the fishing harbour of Ericeira, Portugal. Two seagulls sit on a wall and in the background a part of Ericeira is visible. Streetphotography of the fishing harbour of Ericeira, Portugal. A frontal shot of boat towing equipment in front of a wall. On top of the wall empty fishing cages are stacked. Streetphotography of the fishing harbour of Ericeira, Portugal. In front of a small white truck empty fishing cages are lined up. Streetphotography of the fishing harbour of Ericeira, Portugal. Fishmeat hangs to dry. Streetphotography of the Ericeira, Portugal. A street lantern in a small alley casts its shadow late afternoon shadow on a wall. In the background the atlantic ocean is visible. Streetphotography of the Spetterbruecke in Vienna. Against the backdrop of a pink evening sky the profile of a staircase is visible. Streetphotography from the Triiiple buildings in Vienna. This picture is taken from an alternatively-used plot in St. Marx. The buildings are framed by an DIY-wooden fence entrance and against the backdrop of a pink evening sky. Streetphotography of the Donauturm in Vienna. On the left on right side of the tower are spotlights from a sportsfields. The scenery is set in autumn sunlight. Streetphotography of the Vienna International Center. On the left edge of the picture is the Donauturm. The Danube builts the foreground and a leading line of yellow trees leads to the buildings. Streetphotography of the U6 metro bridge crossing the Neue Donau. The bridge starts in the top left corner and goes to the center of the picture. Under the bridge is a small pocket of sunlight, where a by-passer looks on a device in his hands. Frontal streetphotography of a facade in Venice, Italy. The picture is divided in three lines. The bottom line is the canal with its green-blueish water and a reflection of the building. The middle line is the ground floor of the building with bared windows, brick facade and a wooden green door. The top line is the first floor of the building with light greyish plaster and wooden green window shutters. Streetphotography of Venice with a hazy sunset in the right back. In the foreground is a boat and in the background the Basilica di San Marco and the Abbazia di San Giorgio Maggiore. Streetphotography of the Westbahnhof Traktion in winter. From an elevated perspective the picture shows train tracks covered by a bit of snow. In the middle of the picture going from left to right is the Rustensteg Bruecke. Streetphotography of the Wolfgangsee during winter seen from the shore of Sankt Gilgen. The horizon cuts through in the upper fifth. The background shows mountains on both sides of the lake and a cloudy, dark grey sky. A snow covered pontoon stretches diagonally from middle left to the center. In front of the pontoon ducks swim in the water. The foreground is a small strip of snow. Black and white streetphotography of a staircase. The picture is very dark, except for a triangle, which is hit by bright sunlight. Streetphotography of a graffiti wall and the Donaukanal in Vienna.



Tom Van Puyvelde

Kanji Knives



Graphic Design

